Animal Reiki
If your animal is unwell your local vet should be your first port of call. Reiki can be used alongside traditional medicine. Reiki can help speed up recovery from illness and injury as it allows the animal to heal itself on a deep, natural level. It is a wonderful, non-invasive method that helps to bring the animal back to a place of natural balance. Reiki healing can remove blocked energy that can cause both physical and behavioural issues.
For some animals this is a hands on therapy and with others it can be carried out at a distance. All therapy is animal lead.
I believe in a holistic approach to animal well being. A combination of the power of Reiki, intuitive communication and behaviour analysis to provide comprehensive care and the transformative effect of an integrated approach for positive change. Animal Reiki sessions provide a gentle and non invasive approach to provide relaxation, reduction of stress and behavioural problems and enhance over all well being.
My advanced qualifications are:
Animal Reiki Diploma.
Dog Communication and Animal Behaviour certificate